Thursday, May 14, 2009

Final Project

Here's the presentation for my final project, hosted on Google Document:

I like integrating technology into my curriculum because it makes it more interesting, it promotes after-hour learning and collaboration. I also feel that technology is one of the survival skills that we must have in today's world and beyond.

I started experimenting with Web tools five years ago, and this year, I started experimenting with PBWiki. I've tried wikispaces a couple of years back, but I did not like the interface and all the little things you need to know in order to do your layout, so I abandoned it. I started using wikispaces again last semester, and pleasantly surprised, I found the interface much easier to use. The best part is that it also supports many other forms of technology (video, images, etc.)

I started planning and testing out what I can do with PBWiki. Besides that it's free, I chose PBWiki for its simple and clean interface. Another reason is that the name is easy to remember. I tell my students "Peanut Butter Wiki," to make them laugh, and to make the name stick!

So what did I do?
  • I experiment using it for my own use, to host resources/lessons I created, found, and to keep track of all the various tools.
  • I also use it to create an information site for the class. This site included materials I created, classroom management materials, school policies, a chat room, student work showcase pages.
  • I then created PBWiki sites for the students to collaborate. Students can share the sentences they create and also post questions. Other students can help correct the sentences and post answers. I also come in to do the accuracy check and to provide feedback.
Based on student's positive response (extra credit helped to get it started), I see that Wiki can be a great place for the students to get information. Students have also requested that I put up my powerpoint files, so, instead of posting files on Communicado, our mandated teacher-student-parent interaction website, it makes much more sense to post the files on Wiki. From one idea of increasing student participation and interaction, it now became my final project idea: creating a wiki site to supplement the Communicado. Communicado will provide a place where I can post grades and communicate with parents/students with no email addresses. Wiki will be a central place where all the curriculum-related materials and student participation/collaboration.

One other good point is that teachers can now share resources with much ease.

Here's our skeleton training site with two samples:

Direct links to the two samples:

Here's the link to the suggested structure to a teacher site:
(Please note that not every page has content, as this is created to provide a sample)

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